
Many of my publications can be downloaded from this website (and this page will be frequently updated with new publications). Please contact me for further information. Also see


Publications and Talks (Jan2025)
2025Publications And Talks.pdf
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Address Pronouns in Late Middle English (2004)
Bergs, Alexander. 2004. “Address pronouns in late Middle English”. In: Alicia Rodríguez-Álvarez & Francisco Almeida Alonso (eds.). Voices on the past. Studies in Old and Middle English language and literature. Chicago, La Coruña: IPG/netbiblio. 127-138.
Address Pronouns in Late Middle English [...]
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Mood in English (2010)
Bergs, Alexander, Lena Heine. 2010. "Mood and Modality in English“. In: Rolf Thieroff & Björn Rothstein (eds.). Mood Systems in the Languages of Europe. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 103-117.
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The Role of Markedness... (2001)
Bergs, Alexander and Dieter Stein. 2001 “The Role of Markedness in the Actuation and Actualisation of Linguistic Change”. In: Henning Andersen (ed.). Actualization: Patterns of Linguistic Change. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins. 79-94.
The Role of Markedness... 2001.PDF
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I was just reading this article (2012)
Bergs, Alexander, Meike Pfaff, Thomas Hoffmann. 2012. “I was just reading this article – On the expression of Recentness and the English Past Progressive”. In: Aarts, Bas, Joanne Close, Geoffrey Leech and Sean Wallis (eds.). The English Verb Phrase: Corpus Methodology and Current Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 217-238.
Iwasjust reading thisarticle2012.pdf
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Can we take construction grammar beyond sneezing napkins off tables (2008)
2008c “Can we take Construction Grammar beyond sneezing napkins off tables?”. In: Klaus Stierstorfer (ed.), Proceedings of the Anglistentag, Münster 2007. Trier: WVT. 269-276.
Can We Take Construction Grammar Beyond [...]
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Do the simplest thing that can possibly work: der wiki-way beim Erstellen von e-learning Materialien (2009)
2009c “Do the simplest thing that can possibly work: Der Wiki-Way beim Erstellen von E-Learning Materialien”. In: Hans-Jürgen Appelrath & Leonore Schulze (Hgg.). Auf dem Weg zu exzellentem E-Learning. Vernetzung und Kooperation der Hochschullehre in Neidersachsen. Münster: Waxmann. 23-31. (with Anne Reiners & Tim Schmidt)
Do the simplest thing that can possibly [...]
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Spreading the Word (2006)
Bergs, Alexander. 2006. “Spreading the word: Patterns of diffusion in historical dialectology”. In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, Marjatta Palander, Esa Penttilä (eds). Topics in dialectal variation. Joensuu: Joensuu University Press. 5-30.
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Shall and shan't in contemporary English (2008)
Bergs, Alexander. 2008. “Shall and shan’t in contemporary English”. In: Graeme Trousdale, Nikolas Gisbourne (eds.). Constructional Explanations in English Grammar. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 113-144.
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Expressions of futurity in contemporary English (2010)
Bergs, Alexander. 2010. “Expressions of futurity in contemporary English: a constructional perspective”. English Language and Linguistics 14(2):217-38.
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Im Westen viel Neues: Randnotizen von Gründung zweier e-journals (2005)
2005a „Im Westen viel Neues: Randnotizen von der Gründung zweier ejournals in den Geisteswissenschaften“. ProLibris 01/05: 28-30.
Im Westen viel Neues-Randnotiz zur Gründ[...]
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The role of the individual (2006)
Bergs, Alexander. 2006 “Language Change and the Role of the Individual in Historical Social Network Analysis”. Logos and Language. Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory. VI.2. 30-54.
Cover The role of the Individual in Lang[...]
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Invitation to the Peterborough Chronicle and its Language (2007)
2007a “Invitation to the Peterborough Chronicle and its Language”. In: Bergs, Alexander & Janne Skaffari (eds.). The Language of the Peterborough Chronicle. Frankfurt/M., New York: Peter Lang (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature). 5-12.
Invitation to the Peterborough Chronicle[...]
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Spoilt for choice? <th> in Early Middle English (2007)
2007b “Spoilt for choice? <th> in early Middle English”. In: Bergs, Alexander & Janne Skaffari (eds.). The Language of the Peterborough ChronicleFrankfurt/M., New York: Peter Lang (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature). 45-56.
Spoilt for choice - th in early Middle E[...]
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The Uniformitarian Principle and the Risk of Anachronisms
Bergs, Alexander. 2012. “The Uniformitarian Principle and the Risk of Anachronism”. In: Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy & Juan Camilo Conde-Sivestre (eds.) Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. 80-98.
Uniformitarian P Bergs 2012.pdf
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Language change and the role of the individual in historical social network analysis (2006)
2006d “Language Change and the Role of the Individual in Historical Social Network Analysis”. Logos and Language. Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory. VI.2. 30-54.
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Kognitive Poetik (2013)
Bergs, Alexander and Peter Schneck. 2013. “Kognitive Poetik”. In: Achim Stephan & Sven Walter (eds.). Handbuch Kommunikationswissenschaft. Stuttgart: Metzler. 518-522.
Kognition_und_Poetik_mit_Peter Schneck.p[...]
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Literacy and the new media: vita braves, lingua braves (2003)
2003a “Literacy and the new media: Vita brevis, Lingua brevis”. In: Jean Aitchison & Diana Lewis (eds.). New Media Language. London: Routledge. 75-84. (with Angela Kesseler).
Literacy and the new media - Vita brevis[...]
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Social Networks in pre-1500 Britain (2000)
Bergs, Alexander. 2000. “Social Networks in pre-1500 Britain: Problems, Prospects, Examples”. European Journal of English Studies. Special Issue on “Social Network Analysis and the History of English”, eds. Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Terttu Nevalainen, Luisella Caon. 4.3: 239-252.
Social Networks in Pre-1500 Britain.PDF
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Investigating Love Letters Across Time (2014)
Bergs, Alexander. 2014. “Investigating love letters across time: Some thoughts on metaphors, stylistic inertia, and meme theory“. In: Eva L. Wyss (ed.). Communication of Love. Mediatized Intimacy from Love Letters to SMS. Bielefeld: transcript, 165-180.
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Letters: A new approach to text typology (2004)
2004b “Letters: A new approach to text typology”. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 5.2: 209-229.
Bergs Letters (2004) p 208-227.PDF
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There shall be Thinges thre (2005)
Bergs, Alexander. 2005. “‘Ther been Thinges thre, the whiche thynges troublen al this erthe’: The discourse-pragmatics of ‘demonstrative which’”. In: Janne Skaffari, Matti Peikola, Ruth Carroll, Risto Hiltunen, Brita Wårvik (eds.). Opening Windows on Texts and Discourses of the Past. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins. 259-277.
Ther been thinges thre... 2005 .PDF
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What if one man's syntax... (2004)
Bergs, Alexander. 2004. “What if one man’s lexicon were another man’s syntax? A new approach to the history of relative who”. Folia Linguistica Historica 24: 93-109.
What if one man's lexicon....PDF
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When concepts clash (2008)
Bergs, Alexander. 2008. “When concepts clash”. In: Jürgen Schläger, Gesa Stedman (eds.). The Literary Mind. REAL -Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature Vol. 2.4. 61-67.
When concepts clash....PDF
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Modern Scots (2005)
Bergs, Alexander. 2005. Modern Scots. 2nd edition, completely revised and updated. München, Newcastle: Lincom Europa (Languages of the World, Materials 242) (1st ed. 2001).
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